Thursday, April 23, 2009

Education for the Driving Masses

I believe it's important to relay information to my children that may be helpful to them down the road.I have never candy coated the truth or not truthfully answered a question when asked by the teenager or the preteen.
My teenager is disgusted and exasperated by my advice,I can't be too pissed at her attitude as I consider her reaction is based on a lack of experience and knowledge not yet gathered as she is only sixteen years old.
I suppose it's a normal reaction on her part and I can only hope that when her hormones even out and her brain develops she might remember some of our advice.
I do remember and am thankful for some golden nuggets from my Dad such as stopping for three long seconds at a stop sign before you turn.It's saved my hide on many occasions. Other advice such as Mom's never sit on the cold ground or you will get a cold in your kidneys I have ignored. NO COLD YET !
My golden nugget of the day or as she calls it, the nag of the month, is regarding activities. I simply stated,it's important to have an interest in a hobby or a sport
as having an interest in developing your potential and learning a new skill is a key to succeeding in life. I have several hobbies and consider learning a new skill vital to my happiness and well being.
I'm still passionate about trying to change the world.
I was shocked and angry about the vehicle murder of three people last month just down the road from Reno House.
So angry, I decided to contribute links and police reports to a website that is devoted to driver education,news,prevention about traffic incidents.
Cindy Smith devotes hundreds of hours updating her site in the hope that educating the masses will lead to a reduction in auto fatalities across Canada.
In the last month, I have scanned through hundreds of incident reports and media stories across Canada and have come to the conclusion that Canada needs tighter legislation and harsher sentencing towards those people who think they can drive dangerously. The time is past for gentle MADD PSA's or reminders from the LCBO to not drink and drive.
I'm asking each and everyone of you to contribute a news link,story or tip to Cindy
Smith's website. If we all work for the common cause,change can happen.
You can read for yourself @

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