Saturday, May 16, 2009

One day at a time ...

I was such a debbie downer in my last post. Thank you for the advice on how to turn an upside down smile upright again. The universe is just one big ol biorhythm , just ask and ye shall receive. Some dude actually saw my kijiji ad and bought the rest of the morels... and at market price.It paid for the teenagers b-day celebration which consisted of chilli cheese dogs,orange pop and cake.I know the teenager wasn't particularly happy about staying in on her birthday but we made the most of a bad situation.All of her friends skipped out on her as it is the long weekend and they all had plans,church camp,army,cottage etc. Sometimes it totally sucks to be 17. In our family we have an interesting rule. You can celebrate your birthday once a year,but you can choose when you want to celebrate it. The teenager decided to move her birthday celebration to late June when she can have a pool party and all of her friends can celebrate with her.Alternate birthdays rule! The neighbours decided to plant a tree in front of their upstairs windows which will hopefully provide much needed privacy for both of us. Why pull down your blinds when you can block the view with a tree ? Yes , I know,small mercies. The man is feeling a wee bit better and I'm hoping that we can restart our grand plan on Monday. Our latest excitement is a pair of mallard ducks who really want to nest under our deck and we are doing our very best to stop their evil procreating plans. The renovator man is doing his very best Elmer Fudd to keep them out of our yard. Overall, a better week, more laughs and borrowed dvd's from the London Public Library have encouraged a positive karma.
The highlight was receiving an invitation to my stepdaughter's baby shower. I'm going to be a g-ma who isn't a Grandma but as much fun and quite a bit younger.We have named the fetus "Weezer" much to the consternation of his parents who didn't quite understand the need for a fetus name."Weezer" ,is a name of a band but was first the name of the youngest "Little Rascal" from the Our Gang series first seen on the silver screen waaay before my time. He was the cute little guy who pulled the wagon and never spoke,the renovator man thought it was an apt name for his soon to be grandchild. We're all excited about the grandbaby and the imminent move of his/her parents from the big smoke to cottage country. A grand baby and cottage country, it doesn't get much better does it ?
The universe smiles when you least expect it...

1 comment:

Whinja Turtle said...

How beautiful to be expecting a grand baby! I am feeling for your daughter, here's hoping June is so much more fun for her.

P.s. I have been a debbie all week too, it happens.

P.s. I have the neighbour from hell, no tree, just noise and his ugly intrusive face. Pass me that straw will you? :)